Swimming pool flood protection devise. Protecting swimming pool plant rooms from floods

The One Of A Kind System. Protects Your Plant Room

The Plant Room Shield detects leaks within the swimming
pool plant room helping to prevent major flood damage.
The instant that the Plant Room Shield detects a leak, it will cut power to the circulation pump helping to prevent
damage that would have been caused by flooding. At the same time the system will alert you or your pool
maintenance company that a problem has been detected and that action has been taken by the system.
This can avoid unnecessary costs and distress by reducing or preventing damage to your property
plant room, connecting rooms or adjoining areas that would be damaged by large volumes of water

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Plant Rooom Shield

Giving you peace of mind by monitoring your plant room 24/7


    Pumps and Filtration system
    automcialy shut down to prevent
    flood damage from pool water

  • Swimming pool flood protection devise. Protecting swimming pool plant rooms from floods


    24 Hour a day

    Year-round monitoring

  • Mobile Alerts

    Alerts and status updates
    sent straight to your mobile
    and your service company

  • Having the Plant Room Shield give me great peace of mind when im away

  • After previously having our swimming pool plant room flood due to a split filter it made perfect sence to fit this

  • Love the fact that I will be alerted on my mobile should there be an issue

  • As our plant room in within the house I was worried about the potential damage should there be a leak in the pool plant room

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